
Teenagers, away from home for the first time, are seldom concerned about the cleanliness of their surroundings. Living in a dorm room can be like living in a Petri dish. The result is an increase in certain diseases and unexplained odors.

Colds, flu, staph (such as MRSA), meningitis, and mononucleosis are just some of the diseases that are more prevalent in dorm life. Additionally, mold/mildew and other fungal hazards (such as athlete’s foot) can be problematic as well. Only a broad-based sanitation strategy, such as shock treatments using Ozone Clean Pro high output ozone generators, will be an effective means of destroying the microorganisms hidden in these ‘close quarters.’

Problem: Because dorm life is essentially “communal living,” the environment is often unsanitary, leaving students vulnerable to certain diseases. The microorganisms responsible are often hidden and thus difficult to destroy by conventional cleaning methods. In addition to the increased risk of infection, problem odors are also likely.

Solution: Scientific studies confirm that ozone is very effective, capable of destroying the microorganisms responsible for disease and problem odors. Ozone’s advantage in these types of applications relates to the fact that as an ‘active’ gas, it can treat very hard to reach areas, literally anywhere air currents travel. As one of nature’s strongest oxidant, it is also one of the most effective odor eliminators, attacking odors at the cellular level. Best of all, there are no residual chemicals left behind as ozone converts to clean, breathable oxygen after its relatively short half-life.

Note: The treatment of dorm rooms can be accomplished in a very short period of time, since the space is generally very small (making frequent treatments possible).



This can be dangerous if not done by a trained technician.